talks & workshops.

Good Little Talks - Elevating Your Business or Event

  • sleep.

    coming soon.

  • nourish.

    Gut Feeling: Connecting Gut Health and Happiness.

    Explore the fascinating world of gut health and its link to happiness.

    Discover how small changes, known as "Little Tweaks," can significantly impact health without sacrificing enjoyment.

    Tap into the expertise of gut health experts like Megan Rossi, Tim Spector, and Dr. Emeran Mayer.

    Uncover the powerful connection between gut health, mental well-being, energy levels, and vitality.

    Shift focus from knowing to doing, emphasising action-oriented approaches.

    Understand the influence of motivations rooted in self-criticism versus self-compassion on food and health choices.

    Learn practical strategies to implement simple, sustainable changes in daily habits.

    Recognise the cumulative effect of "Little Tweaks" over time, likened to compound interest.

    Transition from punishment to nourishment and from knowledge to action

    Take away personalised " This Weeks Little Tweaks" to apply at home and work.

    Empowering and inspiring teams to trust their guts and embrace the power of Little Tweaks for big shifts in happiness and health.

  • move.

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.